Limerick St in Gardner
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Three-Family Residential - 17 LIMERICK ST
Single Family Residential - 18 LIMERICK ST
Single Family Residential - 20 LIMERICK ST
Other Storage, Warehouse, And Distribution Facilities (See Also Usecode 401) - 23-25 LIMERICK ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 29 LIMERICK ST
Single Family Residential - 37 LIMERICK ST
Single Family Residential - 46 LIMERICK ST
Other Storage, Warehouse, And Distribution Facilities (See Also Usecode 401) - 47-55 LIMERICK ST
Apartments With More Than Eight Units Residential - 64 LIMERICK ST
Two-Family Residential - 65 LIMERICK ST
Three-Family Residential - 7 LIMERICK ST
Three-Family Residential - 70 LIMERICK ST
Three-Family Residential - 73 LIMERICK ST
Single Family Residential - 75 LIMERICK ST
Single Family Residential - 81 LIMERICK ST
Two-Family Residential - LIMERICK ST
Undevelopable Residential Land - LIMERICK ST
Developable Residential Land